Territorial development planning documents that are relevant and up-to-date – i.e., a sustainable development strategy and development programme are vitally important both for the municipality’s compliance with requirements of regulatory enactments and for the eligibility to apply for public funding within the EU funds, and for the provision of sequence and purposefulness of development related decisions adopted on a daily basis, especially under the conditions of limited financial resources.
Within the process of DRAWING UP OF TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DOCUMENTS, Edo Consult offers municipalities structured and purposeful project management, which includes planning of project activities, detailed research of planning needs, coordination of work of the persons and organisations involved in the drawing up of the documents, preparation of high-quality documents (including graphical materials), conducting of residents’ surveys and other studies necessary for the research of the situation, organisation of public participation activities and development and implementation of the development planning and monitoring system.
Documents that are drafted in high quality are essential for successful development.
To make sure that the development ideas included in the action and investment plan are not based merely on good intentions, but rather also on clear availability of financial resources, during the process of development planning, Edo Consult offers municipalities to work out a FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE by assessing the following aspects:
- The approximate financial capacity of each measure of the action plan by separately estimating single investment costs and the consequent regular maintenance costs by separately recording personnel, energy and other costs;
- The volume of financial resources available for the implementation of the action plan. Special attention will be paid to the financial resources at the disposal of the municipality – own resources (from taxes and other resources, including those acquired through activities by using own assets), as well as resources to be attracted in other ways, including from various development programmes and State budget subsidies.
Comprehensive understanding of the current situation and availability of objective information is important for the adoption of political decisions of long-term importance. Beside the traditional summarisation and analysis of statistical information, Edo Consult offers an innovative approach to studying the current situation – i.e., the STRUCTURED JOINT-THINKING METHOD. By implementing a set of consecutive and creative interactive measures, a systemic approach to solving various issues, as well as direct involvement of all the parties concerned, a dialogue and formation of a common understanding of the situation and development trends are achieved.
Cooperation results in the preparation of a report that includes the following:
- Values of the municipality, its development potential and possibilities of use thereof;
- Development challenges and limitations to be taken into consideration and to be resolved within the course of district development planning;
- Development ideas and measures initiated by residents (including the desirable location of implementation, scope and persons involved in the implementation).
Involvement in the activities of the Structured joint-thinking method shall facilitate the development of people as a community, improve understanding of the municipal development planning process and the possibilities to engage in this process, form cooperation groups of residents, improve cooperation between local government and residents (including between local government and entrepreneurs; and between entrepreneurs and residents), as well as acquire the information necessary for the decision-making process.
For additional information on cooperation in the drawing up of the territorial development planning documents, please contact Edo Consult Project Managers (phone 29 403 401, e-mail: edo(at)edo.lv).
Customer Reviews
Laimdota Straujuma, Dr.oec., Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
-Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
Rafaels Joffe, Director of the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”
-Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”